Jean Abou Samra wrote:

The stroke width I see is 1px (Firefox at 100%).  This makes the stroke dominated by edge effects; the surrounding white dilutes its colour. Do the WCAG recommendations recognise this?  If not, please don't apply their levels to this case.

I don't know. I am not a great specialist of all
the (complicated) WCAG rules. All I have been
interested in so far was the ones for color;
their criteria were a handy way to know if
the scheme was OK

It looks like the contrast tools offer comparison of two colors, without considering such context complications. Very idealised.

But I found tentative recognition at the top of
This shows me that they have no handy criteria to offer (yet).


Their #design-button fragment doesn't work for me.
I have to click on the [Design] tab.
All very bleeding edge.

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