On 27/02/2023 09:58, Andrew Bernard wrote:
Not sure where my brain has been holidaying lately - I had the idea you can't import mbox format lists into Discourse and even gave what I thought were reasons you can't. This it totally wrong. Discourse does have an import mechanism for loading mailing lists.

So I think I'll run up a Discourse server and load a substantial number of years of this list and then we can play with it to see. That will be better than me just talking about it.

One thing this conversation has done, is it's making me think that the impression I got from the other group was - shall we say - misleading.

They sold it on the basis of the web interface. This conversation is selling it on the basis of "the mailing list is just as good, and the web is icing on top". Well, I don't want the icing, but if the mailing side is as good as the present setup, or better, then that sounds interesting ...


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