Here is a hack, and among the various things to be fixed, the beam
thickness of the fake grace notes needs to be checked more carefully
against the 'real' grace notes. I calculated the starting point of the
fake grace according to the percussion part, so it begins on the
upbeat of the 3rd beat. Another possibility is to use tuplets, but the
results are pretty much the same. I'm not a Lilypond expert, so
probably there are better solutions to this issue.

\version "2.25.5"

RHpianonotes = {
  \time 2/2
  \clef bass

  \relative c {
    \transposition c'
    \stemUp \change Staff = "lower" \grace { d,32( a' bes \change
Staff = "upper" \stemDown e f fis} a8) \stemNeutral r8 r2*1/4
    \stemUp \change Staff = "lower" \override Beam.length-fraction =
1.1 \magnifyMusic 0.70  { d,,32*12/6[( a' bes \change Staff = "upper"
{ \stemDown e f fis]}} a8) \stemNeutral r8
    r2*1/4 \stemUp \change Staff = "lower" \magnifyMusic 0.70  {
d,,32*12/6[( a' bes \change Staff = "upper" { \stemDown e f fis]}} a8)
\stemNeutral r8  r4

LHpianonotes = {
  \time 2/2
  \clef bass
  \relative c {
    \grace{s8.} s1*2

bassnotes = {
  \relative c {
    \clef bass
    \time 2/2
    \transposition c
    \grace{s8.} fis'8->( f) d4 r8  \clef tenor a'8 b[ a]
    \tuplet 3/2 {c[->( b) a]} eis8. fis16 d4 r8 cis8~

  \layout {
    \context {
      %  \override SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##f


    \new PianoStaff
      \new Staff = "upper" {\RHpianonotes}
      \new Staff = "lower" {\LHpianonotes}
    \new Staff="Staff_bass"
    << \bassnotes  >>

On Wed, 14 Jun 2023 at 05:04, Michael Seifert <mseif...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hello everyone,
>         I’m working on a score transcription project, and I’m having some 
> trouble getting “nice” grace note placement in a section involving a piano 
> part and a double bass.
>         Specifically, if I use the default settings in the snippet below, the 
> grace notes in the piano part cause extra space to be inserted between two of 
> the eighth notes in the bass line.  This makes the rhythm harder to read for 
> the conductor.
>         If, on the other hand, I use the "\override 
> SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t” line (currently commented out), 
> then the spacing of the bass line looks fine.  But the accidentals for the 
> grace notes collide with nearby noteheads, and the grace notes at the start 
> of the measure collide with the time signature (or, in other situations, the 
> preceding bar line).
>         What I would like is for grace notes at the start of a bar to lead to 
> additional space insertion in other lines, but mid-bar arpeggios not to lead 
> to additional space insertion.  This is effectively the convention suggested 
> in Gould (p. 127–8), and it's also what’s done in the hand-engraved score I’m 
> transcribing (screenshots attached;  they also include a percussion part 
> which I’ve omitted from my MWE.)
>         Any ideas on how to accomplish this?  Thanks in advance for your help!
>         Mike Seifert
>         Quaker Hill, CT, USA
> Code follows:
> —————————————————
> \version "2.24.0"
> RHpianonotes = {
> \time 2/2
> \clef bass
> \relative c {
> \transposition c'
> \stemUp \change Staff = "lower" \grace { d,32( a' bes \change Staff = "upper" 
> \stemDown e f fis} a8) \stemNeutral r8 r4
> r4 \stemUp \change Staff = "lower" \grace { d,,32( a' bes \change Staff = 
> "upper" \stemDown e f fis} a8) \stemNeutral r8
> r2 \stemUp \change Staff = "lower" \grace { d,,32( a' bes \change Staff = 
> "upper" \stemDown e f fis} a8) \stemNeutral r8 r4
> }
> }
> LHpianonotes = {
> \time 2/2
> \clef bass
> \relative c {
> \grace{s8.} s1*2
> }
> }
> bassnotes = {
> \relative c {
> \clef bass
> \time 2/2
> \transposition c
> \grace{s8.} fis'8->( f) d4 r8 \clef tenor a'8 b a
> \tuplet 3/2 {c->( b) a} eis8. fis16 d4 r8 cis8~
> }
> }
> \score{
> \layout {
>     \context {
>       \Score
> %         \override SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t
>     }
>   }
> <<
> \new PianoStaff
> <<
>         \new Staff = "upper" {\RHpianonotes}
>   \new Staff = "lower" {\LHpianonotes}
> >>
> \new Staff="Staff_bass"
> << \bassnotes  >>
> >>
> }

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