On 07/04/2024 11:50, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

There is a web page that deals with command-line installation, if
that's what you want:


Thanks. So basically "yes", I guessed as much.

I just need to re-associate the new version of lilypond with .ly

If you have a chance please check these instructions for correctness;
I'm not a regular Windows user, and there might be errors and/or
problems due to my clumsy testing.

Well, it doesn't appear to work ...

Bear in mind I'm running Windows, so I don't want to run lilypond from the command line. I double-click a .ly file, it runs lilypond, and my pdf appears (or at least it does, running the old version).

What I did was open a command shell as administrator, and extracted lilypond into Program Files. I then opened a .ly file and - nothing happened!

Or rather, nothing useful happened. A popup window opened, and disappeared. No log files, no output, no nothing.

Okay. Tried to run it the un-windows way of using the command line. Complete pain in the ass, I'm afraid. And at least I can see the error messages ...

D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso>"c:\Program Files\lilypond-2.24.3\bin\lilypond.exe" partTromboneB.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.24.3 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `partTromboneB.ly'
partTromboneB.ly:6:10: error: cannot find file: `voiceTromboneB.ily'
(search path: `c:/Program Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/ly;c:/Program Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/ps;c:/Program Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/scm;c:/Program Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/fonts/otf/;c:/Program Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/fonts/svg/;')
partTromboneB.ly:23:41: error: unknown escaped string: `\voiceTromboneB'

partTromboneB.ly:23:41: error: string outside of text script or \lyricmode


Note: compilation failed and \version outdated, did you
update input syntax with convert-ly?


Interpreting music...[8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Converting to `partTromboneB.pdf'...
fatal error: failed files: "partTromboneB.ly"

D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso>

So it looks like it's searching the program directory for my include files, and not the current directory where they actually are! Note that running the older lilypond correctly compiles the file.


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