Hi Avery

Le 17/09/2010 à 01:28, Avery White a écrit :
> Salutations,
> After spending quite a bit of time on this, I've decided to create a sort of
> 'handbook' for new developers (and to serve as a reference when I'm looking
> for a function that I saw an hour ago...but now can't remember where it is
> for the life of me). The bottom line is that LinCity-NG needs documentation
> for the developer, heck, *I* need this because to me, this is incredibly
> confusing.

There is a kind of documentation in the wiki

For me the UI is confusing, but the engine is clear
I welcome any doc you can write about the UI, but take care of not
losing your aim.

Maybe adding your notes/remarks/comments in the wiki (and the code?) is
enought and it would take much less time than a formalised book.

> Since doing a re-write is beyond the scope of what I can do on my
> lonesome (or beyond what I think the dev team leaders would like a focus
> on), this is something that I can do. I will kindly submit what I finish to
> you guys for refinement (GPL of course!).

I think you should write this in a place where we can read it and if
possible write too. We globally know how it works, so we can
answer your questions, or at least give some hints.

> I get an understandable field
> manual that my supervisors would very much like to have so they know I'm not
> wasting their time (as well as something I can use to keep everything
> straight), and you guys get the same - and something to feed new developers
> so they can get up to speed quickly so as to start writing relevant code.
> The goal:
> 1) To enable new developers so that they may contribute to the subsequent
> versions of LinCity-NG without wasting time simply 'figuring out' the code.

I think you should not spend too much time on this large task.

> 2) To provide a ready quick-reference to existing developers

Yes small quick ref guide is good (and fast to write)

> 3) To prevent redundantly answering questions posed to the uninitiated

The traffic on the list is very low, we can answer all the questions.

> 4) *To speed up the overall development of LinCity-NG*

The developpement is done by volunteers (like you and me), and currently
there are no big development going on, so nothing to speed-up.
I hope that your project and enthousiasm will make things move faster :-)

> A few notes concerning the specification:
> 1) It will be written under the GPL
> 2) It will be written as an .odt text document (i.e. but not limited to,
> OpenOffice)
> 3) It's design is to *introduce *the source code of LinCity
> Some preferences that I would kindly ask if this idea 'takes':
> 1) People typically don't read manuals over 75 pages if they can help it. My
> goal is to keep this document near that (hence *introduction). *
> 2) Information that exceeds that should (in my opinion) go to another,
> albeit similar, document entirely: LinCity Handbook 2 (for example).
> While writing this so far...I do have a question: How many countries are
> currently represented by the dev team?

In data/locale there are 15 differents languages (plus english)
> Kind Regards (and I will be eagerly awaiting your reply!),
> Avery White
> Texas A&M University
> Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
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