The Lincoln METCO Parent Board invites you to the

2nd Diversity and Dialogue event honoring Native American Heritage Month!

Missing information and misinformation about the First Nations people of the 
Americas has made stereotypes hyper-visible and truths invisible. The journey 
of un-erasing Indigenous voices and learning what we were not taught, or 
mis-taught, starts with accurate information. It continues by having 
conversations with families, friends, community members, and our own children. 
Understanding Tribal Land Acknowledgements are a next step in making Indigenous 
voices visible. Join Claudia as she confronts "invisibility" and implicit bias, 
while focusing on how to engage children through books, videos, and 
conversations. A resource list with books and links to videos and articles will 
be provided.

The Lincoln METCO Parent Board is proud to host the "Diversity & Dialogue" 
Series 2021-2022 
Native American Heritage Month: Talking to Kids About Stereotypes and 
Invisibility of Indigenous “Native Americans” 
November 17, 2021 6-7:30PM 

Facilitated by: Claudia Fox Tree Join 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 7442 3453

Passcode: 994150

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