Several people who aren't free on Friday have asked if there's another way
to see the "Townies" film being presented virtually that afternoon by the
Lincoln Historical Society and the Lincoln Town Archives.

One of our goals in showing this video as a curated Zoom broadcast is to
make it a participatory community event, one of the town-wide Winter
Carnival festivities, with an opportunity following the showing for viewers
to share their own memories of Lincoln's past with friends and neighbors,
new and old.

We hope you'll tune in for the community event on Friday; but if that time
doesn’t work for you, "Townies" can be accessed at any time on the Lincoln
cable TV server:

Please note: As with many historic records, this film contains brief
instances of language and imagery that current viewers may find offensive.
In the interest of historical integrity, those words and images have not
been removed; but this note is provided to inform viewers in advance of the
presence of such content.


Zoom film presentation

Friday, February 4 at 4pm

Click on this link to join the Zoom presentation

(you will be admitted by the moderator after a short wait in the waiting

Meeting ID: 955 0739 0559

Passcode: 248950

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