Dear Jacqueline:

While changing providers might be a solution, I think more pertinent is what 
expectations you set in advance with any provider--and get in writing as 
commitments from them.  Have you discussed what you want with your current plow 
company?  They might be unable or unwilling to meet your standards, or might do 
so for a higher fee.  You'll have to see what your fellow homeowners are 
willing to pay for.  Our homeowners association has a very detailed, 3-page 
contract with our plow company that spells out what we want from them and they 
price services accordingly.

To be frank, our street is an icy mess now, too.  Why?  The last snow/sleet/ice 
storm was less than 2 inches in depth and our contract calls for them to plow 
only for 2 inches or more--we're unwilling to pay for plowing small 
accumulations, and usually that works out fine.  We also do not require them to 
pre-treat the pavement before storms, which Lincoln does on public roads and 
makes a big difference.  So, this week our company has done precisely what we 
asked of them and contractracted for: nothing.  Then, sun and traffic caused 
some melting, which partly refroze before the rains last night.  When 
circumstances conspire in this way, any homeowners can just call to ask for 
plowing or sanding the road, but the company does not have carte blanche to do 
services (and bill).

Mainly, my point is not to assume that just changing contractors will get the 
results you seek.  Talking it through in detail and getting the agreement in 
writing is more likely to succeed--whether with a new contractor or your 
existing one.

Andrew Pang
Brooks Hill Homeowners Association

> On 02/08/2022 7:54 AM wrote:
> For those who live on a private street—would any of you recommend your snow 
> removal company? We just want the snow removal on our street to be at the 
> same level as the town streets. Right now our street is an ice rink. 
> Thank you!
> Jacqueline Anchondo
> Sent from my iPhone
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