Dear Lincoln,

I am writing today in support of Adam Hogue’s efforts to be elected to 
Lincoln’s Select Board. I met Adam and his family last summer and had the 
opportunity to do a few a jobs for them. Through conversations and other 
interactions, I have found Adam to be very respectful, fair-minded, and very 
dedicated to Lincoln. As he has stated below, he has a passion for serving.

I am very confident that should he be elected to the Select Board, he will 
carryout his functions with the judiciousness and integrity required.

Kind regards,

Donald Fonseca

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Adam M Hogue<>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:47 AM
To: Sara Mattes<>
Cc: Lincoln Talk<>
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Hogue for Select Board

Hello all,

Sara, I hope you are well and thank you for reaching out. Below, I’ve outlined 
the issues that I currently see as most important for Lincoln, as well as my 
experiences and qualifications that I believe would be useful if elected.

One of the most important issues (not only in Lincoln but the Commonwealth 
overall) is housing.  I love our community and I know others that want to live 
here, but are either priced out or simply unable to find a home given the 
supply. We need more housing options in Lincoln so that people can afford to 
live in our great community.  In addition, I also want to make sure that people 
are not forced to sell their homes due to inability to pay taxes, so that 
people are able to age in place if they so desire.

The next issue that I see as critical is sustainability and green energy.  As 
we have seen with gas prices and heating costs (even prior to the current 
situation), we need to work with our leaders on Beacon Hill and as a region to 
fulfill our energy needs in a smart way that doesn’t economically burden our 

Finally, another important issue, and one of my main goals, is to work with 
FINCOM to build a reasonable budget that serves our needs while also making 
sure we do not put too much of a burden on the taxpayers of Lincoln.

In terms of my experiences and qualifications, I have been involved in state 
and regional politics for years though my charity work for Veterans, as well as 
lobbying to teach financial education to children in schools.  If elected, I 
will use the relationships that I have built to work together with elected 
officials in our neighboring towns and the state level to make sure we solve 
issues together.

Specific to Lincoln, I have volunteered to run many Veterans events in town and 
the 4th of July run.  These experiences have given me a great appreciation of 
the importance of these community events.  I want to work to create more 
community events in town and to make sure that we bring back the 4th of July 
fireworks to our community once the school project is done.  So many in our 
community miss this great event.

I have also served the town as a current School Committee member.  I have 
helped form budget and policy in this role and have worked with numerous people 
in town for the last 4 years.  This has helped me understand how the town 
works, as well as what goes into the budget process, and has also helped me to 
understand the community.  While the work has been challenging at times, it has 
always given me great pride to serve our children and our community.  During my 
time on the School Committee, we have kept the budget within FINCOM’s guidance 
and have not had to ask for an override.

Finally, I love serving my community.  I picked this up from my 17 years in the 
United States Military where I was awarded a Bronze Star for my action in 
Afghanistan.  I also currently serve on CAPCOM as part of my role on the School 
Committee, and as I’m sure others on that committee may say, I am not afraid to 
speak up and suggest new ideas.  I don’t passively accept the answer “because 
that is how we have always done it” because we have to be creative and have 
debates to solve issues.  I like to learn and work with people and I believe 
that debating the issues to come up with the best solution(s) is an integral 
part of this work.

Thank you once again and I would appreciate your support on March 28th!

Adam M Hogue, Candidate for Select Board
Cell: (978) 828-6184

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:30 AM Sara Mattes 
<<>> wrote:
Dear Mr. Hogue,
I am following up on your suggestion and reaching out.
We have heard from Mr. Hutchinson as to what he believes are important issues 
for the town are, and how his experiences and qualifications will help in 
addressing them.
We have heard twice from you about about your interest in “important issues in 
our community,”  but you have not identified what those issues are.
Would you please elaborate on both issues and how your experience and 
qualifications would contribute to addressing what you lay out as challenges.
Thank you.

Sara Mattes

Sara Mattes

On Mar 9, 2022, at 10:21 AM, Adam M Hogue 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday.  As the campaign heats up for Select 
Board I look forward to chatting with all my neighbors about the important 
issues in our community.  I have gotten calls and emails from several people 
and I encourage you to reach out.

I am putting out yard signs this week if anyone would like to support my 
campaign I would greatly appreciate it.  Please send me a note and will put it 
out for you as well as pick it up after the election.  Thanks again in advance 
and don’t forget to vote on March 28th!

Adam M Hogue
Cell: (978) 828-6184<tel:(978)%20828-6184>
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