
I find it concerning that you are prescribing a solution to a (perceived)
problem without any background or experience as an educator.  I find it
galling that you are using Niche.com as your primary source for the
problem, but that's another issue for another time.  My recommendation is
that you at least start with the state-mandate proficiency exams and the
school's performance therein... btw, I have no idea where LPS ranks.

More homework?  Oh brother.  Have you vetted or discussed this
multi-pronged plan with Becky McFall or Sharon Hobbs?  You might want to
start there and see WHAT shortfalls they think there MIGHT be and how THEY
think they should be solved.  That sort of approach will surely get my
attention... and vote.

Without getting into personal specifics (because as Lincoln Talk's eristic
pundit Dennis Liu would remind me, the plural of anecdote is NOT data),
both my boys went through LPS and are thriving at LS.  They were well
prepared for high school.  Many of their friends are thriving.  Is there
room for improvement?  Always.

Also, personally speaking, they had many friends who went to Fenn or other
private schools.  The parents I spoke to about that decision (a deeply
personal one) communicated that they wanted their child in a same-sex
learning environment or they valued the private education experience or
they wanted to provide more avenues for their child outside of LS.

Thanks for listening.


On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 1:34 PM JAY DWYER <jaysp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why ?
> Here are the numbers for K-8 Lincoln Schools from : niche.com
> 59% proficient in math
> 61% proficient in english
> What grade do you get with 61% on a report card?
> You get an F for failure.
> We spent $13 million a year for our schools and this is what we get.
> People with the ability to pay $40,000 a year take their kids out of
> Lincoln schools and put them in private schools like Fenn.
> You know many families that have done this.
> We are not traditionally rigorous in teaching. One pair and told me she
> “liked that her son was not pushed too hard in school”
> This is a poor foundation which is a recipe for failure in future grades
> and in life.
> I have a solution they will not cost any money.
> 1) Written homework every night that is graded and handed back the next
> morning with a traditional % grade.
> 2) The final exam every week on what you learned that week.
> 3) A report card every Monday morning with average scores of Homeworks and
> grade on the final exam with a rank in class.
> I experience this program for three years in 6/7 and eighth grade. I went
> through Central Catholic high school in Lawrence it was easy. I graduated
> with a degree in economics from Georgetown university and felt 100%
> confident that I could learn anything.
> If these ideas makes sense to you I ask for your vote on March 28 for
> Lincoln school committee.
> Thank you,
> Joseph Dwyer
> Lincoln School Board Candidate
> 6 Emerson Rd
> Lincoln, Ma 01773
> jaysp...@gmail.com
> 603.560.1787 c
> --
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