*Answer from Susan Donaldson is below:*

The new stickers should be considered a* “First Sticker” *as they are for
the new 2 year period starting September 1, 2022.   Replacement stickers
are for stickers that are lost, damaged, etc.  Not a big deal if you select
replacement at this time.

*Susan Donaldson*

*Office Manager*

*Town of Lincoln*

*Department of Public Works*


On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 2:12 PM Louis Zipes <louiszi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Since I can't water my plants I thought I would use that extra time to
> order new Transfer (Dump) stickers we will all need starting in September
> (according to the sign at the Transfer Station). I went to the website to
> order new ones but I'm not sure what I should mark here. It seems like a
> Replacement Sticker would be the 'best' choice but not sure. Anyone know?
> [image: image.png]
> Apologies if I failed to RTFM correctly but there doesn't seem to be a
> manual to read. 😀
> - Louis
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