I sat ringside last night with other Linconites and LPS friends at one of
Circus Smirkus's  awe-inspiring shows. The performers, all kids between the
ages of 11 and 18, were having as much fun as the audience. Though the
"troupers" are young, their acts are sophisticated, choreographed by
award-winning Broadway choreographer Grady McLeod Bowman
<https://www.gradymcleodbowman.com>The dazzling costumes, too, were created
by NYC professional costume designers  Julie Michael,
<http://www.juliemichaelnewyork.com/about-1> and Estefania Zambrano

CS is definitely an excellent family friendly event you won't want to miss.
Through Aug. 1, CS is just a few miles down the road at Gore Place in
Waltham. Parking is easy and you'll be home by 9:15.

Click here  <https://www.smirkus.org/about-big-top-tour/>If you have not
already secured your tickets to Circus Smirkus featuring our very own
Athena Montori!
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