A number of electronic radon detectors/monitors are now at the Lincoln
Library and available to be borrowed.  These are the AirtThings
Correntium models and are quite simple to use.

The EPA suggests that people without a radon mitigation system in their
homes check their radon levels every year and people with a system check
every two years.  Other than those who have previously found that they have
a radon problem, there seem to be very few people I have talked with who
are doing this.

What has been clear with my loans of quite a few of these devices before
the library took this on was that the vast majority of the people who
borrowed them found levels of radon in their homes, largely in basement
areas, that were well above the level of 4 where the EPA strongly
recommends mitigation.  We have seen levels of 10-20 quite often and up to
325.  Even that very high number was successfully mitigated with the
addition of a system that pulls the radon through a fan, out of the house,
and into the air.  Radon levels also vary based on the weather, season,
whether you have windows open, and other factors.

I only learned about radon and the concerns that it presents when there was
a comment from a former owner of the house we bought in Lincoln that the
house had a radon problem.  We tested, put in monitors, and became alarmed
at the level of 16 that we saw.  New homes in Middlesex County are required
to have passive radon systems that allow a fan to be added quite easily to
remove the radon from the home if it is ever high.  It is simple to test!
The monitors I like best for ongoing monitoring are the ones that connect
over wifi and provide continuous readings and the data is provided and

If anyone sees a high level and wants to confirm the readings from the
electronic monitors with the older carbon tests, they are free from the
state.  I added a number of links below to information about radon, these
monitors, some FAQs, and how to get the free tests from the state.


   <https://www.epa.gov/radiation/what-radon-gas-it-dangerous> *
   - *https://www.airthings.com/home <https://www.airthings.com/home>*
   - *https://www.mass.gov/info-details/testing-your-home-for-radon


*Scott L. Rodman*
*slrod...@8500.org <slrod...@8500.org>*
*212-665-8500 <http://voice.google.com/calls?a=nc,%2B12126658500>
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