Hi all,

as the person that sparked this conversation I thought I’d quickly discuss
this. In the current climate that I, a young queer person, am faced with I
feel the need to not only put first the customs of drag culture first but
also my personal safety. It is drag culture to have a drag name and have
that name be the main or only name used when referring to you in drag or
your drag career as a whole. I personally keep my boy (out of drag) name
private because I want that to be reserved for my private, out of drag
life. Not only that, but the world that we are living in currently isn’t
safe for people like me. Drag gives me the confidence to act up against the
hatred towards my community in a way that my boy self can’t most times. My
community is not safe right now and using my drag persona for public events
is my security blanket in this very scary time. I appreciate those in this
discussion standing up for or understanding me and my situation. If you
have issues with me or my show I understand it isn’t for everyone but i ask
you to be considerate of me and my community. It is your choice whether to
attend my show or not, it is totally up to you. It doesn’t matter to me if
you don’t like me and what I do but I ask you to be respectful of it as I
am to you. Don’t like drag? Don’t come! It’s as simple as that. If you
don’t like something that is your prerogative, but please let those who
enjoy it do so. Thank you all for the positive feedback and support and I
am so excited for the show.


On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 6:53 PM Rachel Marie Schachter <
rachelmarieschach...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for pointing that out. Obviously it doesn’t make me unconcerned for
> the reasons I mentioned, but it’s useful to know that there’s something on
> the books about it.
> Rachel
> On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 6:48 PM Rich Rosenbaum <s...@bcdef.com> wrote:
>> Regarding anonymity in Town Meeting:
>> I could not find relevant law, but in the Massachusetts "Citizen’s Guide
>> to Town Meetings" it states:
>> If you wish to speak, stand up and wait for the moderator to acknowledge
>>> you. When the moderator acknowledges you, state your name, your precinct if
>>> you know it, and your address.
>> https://www.sec.state.ma.us/cis/cistwn/twnidx.htm
>> On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 4:10 PM Rachel Marie Schachter <
>> rachelmarieschach...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I love this response, *and* I think it's important to protect the
>>> anonymity of folks who might be in positions of marginalization or
>>> vulnerability in our public conversations generally. I've been thinking
>>> about this a lot re: asking for folks to identify themselves in open public
>>> forums, meetings, Town Meeting, etc.
>> --
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