As Jennifer said, development is not the issue, but rezoning is..
What the meeting recommended is that the rezoning should exclude
the Lincoln Station area.  Some of the E alternatives do accomplish
this.  Those should be considered. The E designers should suggest
three alternatives that can be vetted by Paula and her team.
20% of 42 acres near the station (half mile) can be easily done
without crowding the station that would create traffic and environmental
issues. RLF should lead a separate effort by including the neighbors
and volunteers to develop a wholesome transparent plan for the
Station Mall..  The town residents should have a say on the public
space. A big Thank You to all who spoke up last night.
Bijoy Misra

On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 7:14 AM David Cuetos <> wrote:

> I would like to share with the public some responses to the HCAWG's
> answers to resident questions. While I applaud the WG for taking our
> feedback and making some of the necessary corrections to the proposals,
> there is still much that needs to be rectified.
> I find it very unfortunate that the WG is resisting presenting residents
> with more options towards compliance at the December 2nd meeting. I hope
> the WG will reconsider the value of the democratic process.
> David Cuetos
> Weston Rd
> --
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