Hi All,

A lot to think about with Brookline’s response to the HCA.

Just to put things in perspective, Brookline (a town with over 26,000 housing 
units) has just passed rezoning that could result in “up to 800 units” raising 
their existing housing stock by “nearly 3%” and is characterized as going "well 
beyond the basic requirements of complying with the law.”

If Lincoln were to do the same, a 3 percent increase in housing stock would be 
roughly 63 units. Lincoln (currently 2,078 housing units-excluding Hanscom) is 
being asked to rezone for 635 units which is a housing increase of around 30%?

I’m not necessarily opposed to housing increases but it makes you wonder what 
is appropriate for a town our size. As it stands our multifamily existing 
housing stock is around 860 units, which is roughly 40% of Lincoln’s total 
housing stock.

Trying to figure this out along with everyone else in town...
Paul Montie

On Nov 15, 2023, at 7:39 AM, Bob Mason 
<robertma...@gmail.com<mailto:robertma...@gmail.com>> wrote:

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