Zoning changes do not invalidate other regulations or laws.
To change the use of municipal land requires a 2/3 vote by town meeting.
Note that both commuter lots are already in the existing Village Center
overlay district. The base zoning for the paid commuter lot is B-1, the
base zoning for the resident commuter lot is B-2. You can see all of this
by going to the town GIS and turning on the zoning layers.

On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 3:45 PM Scott Clary <scottclar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Chris,
> I don't believe this thread is suggesting that developing the town owned
> commuter parking lot is imminent or has necessarily gone through
> "legitimate" channels.
> When I used the word fact, I was using it in reference to Mark's commuter
> rail parking criteria relative to other towns and Karla pointing out the
> fact that a planning board member has publicly stated twice that he feels
> the need to provide incentive to a developer in the form of allowing
> housing on the town owned commuter rail parking lot. Correct me if I'm
> wrong, but if this lot gets rezoned under HCA, it becomes developable by
> right and two-thirds town meeting process is not part of the equation. And
> we get zero credit towards HCA compliance. Whether one believes a planning
> board members public comments are legitimate or not, I guess is up for
> debate.
> Kind Regards,
> Scott Clary
> 617-968-5769
> Sent from a mobile device - please excuse typos and errors
> On Mon, Nov 27, 2023, 2:57 PM Chris McCarthy <kb1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Zoned under HCA or not as in Option E there are no facts to support that
>> anyone has legitimately proposed to "get rid of" the town owned commuter
>> lot. In fact, until we see an article brought before town meeting to vote
>> (with 2/3rd majority) I'd say that even honest debate at public meetings
>> still puts that possibility in the unlikely to somewhat unlikely category.
>> This isn't a commentary on which option to choose, but if we are trying
>> to set a baseline and stick to facts I'm always willing to be proven wrong.
>> Perhaps this has come up in passing at some point but there are still
>> hurdles to overcome before it could ever happen. And I don't believe the
>> HCA would water many (any?) of those down regardless of what the town
>> decides Dec 2nd.
>> On Mon, Nov 27, 2023, 14:35 Scott Clary <scottclar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you Mark and Karla for this information based on fact.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Scott Clary
>>> 617-968-5769
>>> Sent from a mobile device - please excuse typos and errors
>>> On Mon, Nov 27, 2023, 12:29 PM Mark Levinson <
>>> m...@voxmediaconsulting.com> wrote:
>>>> Getting rid of the town-owned commuter parking lot at Lincoln Station
>>>> would blow up any claim by the proponents of redeveloping the Mall that one
>>>> of their main goals is to promote the use of public transportation.
>>>> The parking lot currently has 166 spaces (according to the MBTA web
>>>> site: https://www.mbta.com/stops/place-FR-0167 ).  Before the
>>>> pandemic, the lot was mostly filled every weekday.  If there were a, say
>>>> 100 unit building erected on that site, I think it would be a stretch to
>>>> assume even 25 daily commuter rail riders from that building.  That would
>>>> represent a reduction of more than 100 riders per day.
>>>> The numbers may be approximate, but the point is not: getting rid of
>>>> the town commuter lot would be a big step backwards for public
>>>> transportation.
>>>> BTW, there is an occasional, recurring red herring that pops up that if
>>>> we don’t enable development of lots of new housing at Lincoln Station,
>>>> there’s a risk that the MBTA will drop Lincoln as a commuter rail stop.
>>>> The commuter rail lot is one clear reason why that won’t happen (as long as
>>>> it remains).  Together with the additional commuter rail parking on the
>>>> Doherty’s side of the tracks, we have around 200 parking spaces.  This is
>>>> by far the most parking for any station between Waltham and South Acton.
>>>> (Kendall Green: 57 spaces; Concord: 86; West Concord: 146)
>>>> By providing commuter rail parking, Lincoln has been doing more than
>>>> its fair share for years to promote public transportation.
>>>> Mark Levinson
>>>> Ridge Rd.
>>>> *From:* Karla Gravis <karlagra...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, November 26, 2023 2:07 PM
>>>> *To:* Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [LincolnTalk] Fwd: Cold Brook Crossing
>>>> According to the HCAWG presentation, expanding the LW sewage plant will
>>>> cost $2M-$4M, and the plan is for the town to apply for a Massworks grant.
>>>> Must be noted that the grant would only cover up to 50% of the cost (and we
>>>> would be applying for this grant to benefit a private developer).
>>>> Planning board member Mr. Taylor has said, on two separate occasions
>>>> during public meetings, that in order to provide an "incentive" to TCB to
>>>> cooperate on the expansion of the septic plant, we would allow them to
>>>> build housing on the commuter parking lot. This is the backstory as to why
>>>> the commuter lot is included in the rezoning, even though it doesn't
>>>> provide any units towards compliance. It is public record that the Selects
>>>> have met three times this year to discuss the conveyance of an undisclosed
>>>> parcel.
>>>> I do not understand why the town is negotiating with town property on
>>>> behalf of private parties (RLF/Civico). It sets a complicated precedent,
>>>> and it is questionable that this advances the general interest of the town.
>>>> For those looking for the actual quotes, Mr. Taylor says it in minute
>>>> 1:48:15 of this past Monday's PB meeting, and also in the minutes of the
>>>> July 11th PB minutes (links below).
>>>> 11/20 PB meeting
>>>> https://cloud.castus.tv/vod/lincoln/video/655ccf53888dbd0008844d4a?page=HOME
>>>> 1:48:15
>>>> 07/11 PM minutes
>>>> https://www.lincolntown.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Minutes/_07112023-5133
>>>> PVM gave a brief overview of the subdistrict presentation and ran
>>>> through the potential options and discussed a new Option 7. PVM said that
>>>> The Community Builders (TCB)would have no reason to tear down anything at
>>>> Lincoln Woods and would more likely develop something at the commuter lot.
>>>> GT said that any project on the RLF/Mall property that included any
>>>> substantial housing would need TCB cooperation in the expansion of the
>>>> septic system that serves the Mall and Lincoln Woods and said that the
>>>> opportunity to develop housing on the commuter parking lot could provide
>>>> that incentive. He also noted that any housing developed by TCB on the
>>>> commuter lot would be 100% affordable and count on Lincoln’s Subsidized
>>>> Housing
>>>> On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 1:22 PM Debra Daugherty <dadaughe...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So, I think the Lincoln Woods sewage treatment plant is supposed to
>>>> support that Mall development, right? How would that work? I assume it
>>>> would need to be greatly increased in capacity. (Sorry if I'm asking
>>>> questions that I should already know the answer to ...)
>>>> On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 1:04 PM Robert Ahlert <robahl...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Actually, Ken, it’s a pretty good analog for the Village center
>>>> proposal in options C&D. Not a scare monger tactic as you suggest.
>>>> And now, with the revelation that Village Center will have up to 48
>>>> feet in height, we could end up with a four-story building with parking
>>>> underneath. Please see the planning board meeting from last Monday for
>>>> evidence of this.
>>>> Also, Please look at the site plan below from Cold Brook Crossing and
>>>> the 20 units per acre, which is *less* than options C&D at 25 units
>>>> per acre.
>>>> These emails made the first go round in Mid October
>>>> Rob
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>> From: *Robert Ahlert* <robahl...@gmail.com>
>>>> Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 11:48 AM
>>>> Subject: Cold Brook Crossing
>>>> To: LincolnHCA <lincoln...@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Hi -
>>>> As a reminder, Cold Brook is documented at 20 units per acres (101 /
>>>> 5.05 acres).  See yellow highlight.  Also note that septic area has very
>>>> much been minimized (red circles)
>>>> https://sudbury.ma.us/pcd/wp-content/uploads/sites/326/2020/05/Cold-Brook-Crossing-Attachment-M-Site-Plan-March-2020.pdf?version=b0d9838a9aaeb12612c9c1a52890ee75
>>>> *Robert Ahlert* | *781.738.1069* | robahl...@gmail.com
>>>> --
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