Precise point! Well conveyed.

On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 6:18 PM Maureen Malin <> wrote:

> Totally agree
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 12, 2023, at 8:35 AM, June L Matthews <> wrote:
> Friends and neighbors:  Following the Dec. 2 Town Meeting I wrote a piece
> which I hoped would appear in the “My Turn” section of the Lincoln
> Squirrel.  Due to an oversight it did not, although an excerpt just
> appeared in an Addendum to the collection of comments from other residents
> (Thank you, Alice).  FYI, I include my complete submission below.
> June Matthews
> My Turn:  Please think further about HCA Options C and E
> While I was patiently waiting in line at Town Meeting to speak on the HCA
> question in support of Option E I looked through my notes to decide what I
> might try to fit into my two minutes.  I never got a chance to speak, but
> the item that I was going to mention first was CARS!  If the allowed number
> of housing units were built in the Mall area, we could have 1,000 more
> cars!  That number boggles my mind.  It is disingenuous to think that
> people would move there in order to live without a car.  Sure, you wouldn’t
> need one to go to the Post Office or buy groceries, or to commute by rail
> to Waltham/Cambridge/Boston if that is where your job is, but what about
> other destinations, e.g. the Library, the Schools (to pick up children)?
> Or … the new Community Center, which our town in its infinite wisdom has
> decided to build at a location accessible only by car?  No, singles will
> have one car, most couples will have two.  In addition to congestion and
> traffic, which have not been adequately studied, there will be more impact
> on town infrastructure, noise and light pollution, more pavement (driveways
> and parking), fewer trees, and possible impact on wildlife movement.
> Lincoln Station is already the most densely populated area of Town:  is it
> fair to ask those residents to assume the entire burden of additional
> housing?  Also, it is the most diverse:  if one stands on Lincoln Road at
> the entrance to the Mall, one can see the Lincoln Woods apartments, Ryan
> Estate (62+), the Ridge Court (“Flying Nun”) apartments, and at a slightly
> farther distance, the Greenridge (where I live) and Todd Pond condominiums.
> Each of these properties has its own architectural style, but somehow they
> all fit together into the character and ethos of Lincoln.  (And none of the
> buildings are taller than the trees!)  They serve a diverse range of ages
> and income levels, a diversity which I believe that the town embraces.
> Although I realize that only a small fraction of Lincoln’s land area is
> being considered for rezoning, this is an important area – not only to
> those of us who live nearby but to everyone who passes through *en route*
> to or from their residences.
> When I moved to Lincoln 30+ years ago I did so on account of its
> semi-rural, small-town nature, its open space, farmland, conservation land,
> and trails.  Let’s not compromise these aspects by granting *carte
> blanche* to a developer to build by right whatever he chooses.  Any
> fraction of Lincoln’s unique character that we cede will be lost; we
> cannot, nor can future generations, get it back.
> June Matthews
> 35 Greenridge Lane
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