I was contacted by the editor of that article today, and told that he would
be willing to publish any "reasonable rebuttal."  I told him I was kind of
busy, but I'd consider it.  So, if anyone wants to feed me verbiage, I'll at
least collect it.  Maybe we'll put something reasonable together that I can
forward to them.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: John Alvord [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: Rudy de Haas' Defamation

On Mon, 27 May 2002 19:33:01 -0400, "Post, Mark K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I thought quite a while before deciding to write this note.  I finally
>decided that it was worth the trouble and risk of being ignored.
>Rudy de Haas' (aka Paul Murphy) latest and final article in his series on
>Linux/390 was really too much to have to deal with in what should be a
>reputable publication such as LinuxWorld.  Inferring that the subscribers
>the Linux-390 mailing list are the same as gullible members of a religious
>cult is crossing the line of responsible journalism into territory that I
>don't even know how to categorize.
>In his zeal to criticize IBM and the Linux/390 platform, he seems to be
>unaware of one possible explanation for all the things he can't understand
>about the platform and its supporters: they might be right and he might be
>wrong.  In his last column he makes the comment "The list members know
>what's going on, most of them have daily access to Linux on the mainframe
>and can see its costs and limitations far more clearly than outsiders can."
>Which is true.  In his mind, though, that just makes them deluded cult
>members, as opposed to intelligent professionals who know a good thing when
>they see it.
>If Mr. de Haas had actually listened to the responses he got, instead of
>taking them as further evidence of a collective delusion, he might have
>avoided libeling thousands of honest, hardworking IT professionals.
>Instead, he chose to drape himself in the mantel of self-righteousness and
>proceed in his own delusion.
>To use a British turn of phrase, bad show, both on his part, and yours as
>Mark Post

Maybe some people here should author a rebuttal and see if LinuxWorld
would publish it.


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