>  I got a samba server (2.0.4) at userlevel securety acting as a login
>  server for 98/95 workstations.
>  Everything is fine but 1 problem:
>  user opens a file from a share on the server , and when he tryes to save
>  the file after editing , he gets access denied.

Try two things:

   delete readonly = yes

   nt acl support = no

The last one solved here a similar problem for NT clients.



  / Evgeny Stambulchik  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  \
 /  Plasma Laboratory, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel \  \
 |  Phone : (972)8-934-3610  == | == FAX   : (972)8-934-3491 |  |
 |  URL   :    http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/~fnevgeny/  |  |
 |  Finger for PGP key >=====================================+  | 

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