On 5/17/05, Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a bourne shell script that defines a function "dosomething".
> Dosomething receives a string, and passes is along to a subshell for
> processing (currently by doing sh -c "$cmdline").
> The problem is that when I do:
> dosomething "a\\b"
> $cmdline gets:
> a\b
> (which is ok)
> but the subshell gets:
> ab
> Which is not. Is there a builtin shell function that quotes special
> characters for passing through a context that does dereferencing?

I'm not aware of a Bourne shell function to do this. I also don't see
a Bash function to do this (are you prepared to depend on bash-ism?)

A simple perl-style solution would be to just quote it yourself through
sed, something like:

quotedcmdline=`echo $cmdline |  sed -e "s:[\$\"\\\']:\\\\&:g"`

> thanks,
>        Shachar



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