On 20/05/05, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone had this problem or similar and how did you solve it.

Complaining and asking for a recheck sometimes help. It's called the
××××× system - eyther they succeed or they don't.

In my company we have an always-on 128k ISDN line for backup (when the
ADSL goes down). ISDN is a dialing medium, and there's a Cisco router
that's constantly dialing the line if it goes down. No big deal.
There's a payment to Bezeq, around 100 NIS a month, for dialing to
ISPs from that line.

Anyway, the company's accountant came to me one day asking me if we
need this line. I said sure, that's our backup, and it doesn't cost
much anyways. Not much? How about 4000NIS per month? My jaw dropped.

It turns out we weren't on the program for paying only 100NIS for
dialing to ISPs. We used to be, but for some reason we weren't. I told
the accountant to straighten it with Bezeq. He said they said we never
were on that program, and we can go on it starting next month...

I told the accountant I was SURE we were at a time in the past on this
program, and he has dug into the old bills and records, and he found
out that indeed up to 10 months back we were. A few more calls to
Bezeq and a 40K NIS check from Bezeq was mailed to us.

Do double-check every bill. It's worth your time. And raise hell if it
doesn't seem right. If you're on the wrong, you won't lose a thing. I
have more stories, but I have to go now.

-- Arik

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