On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 03:26:16PM +0300, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 12:05:01PM +0300, Avraham Rosenberg wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Your problem with the mlterm settings, which apparently was not
> > addressed in the answers you received, caught my eye, because I
> > am also contemplating moving to UTF8, and because I grew to be
> > addicted to my habits. I would, therefore, like to hear from you
> > how these fare in mlterm.
> I still did not play with it much, but I am pretty sure I don't and
> won't like it. I use it currently almost only for email, with most of
> my windows being xterm. Few of the things I miss:
> Double-click behaviour is different - dragging doesn't select by words,
> only the first selection is a whole word
> It's a bit less flexible in setting word boundries

Quoting mlterm(1) :

  -W --sep=characterlist
              Delimiter  characters  used  for  word selection, which are con‐
              sulted when you double-clicked mlterm, to define what is a word.
              The default is " ,.:;/@")

Somewhat similar to XTerm's -cc . Sadly (at least IMHO), it seems that 
most other terminals (rxvt included) don't follow xterm here.

> No "extend selection" (right click in xterm)

Yup. Missing indeed. Makes it possible to use a lousy pointer from my laptop.

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