> I looking to create a permanent connection between
> my home network and
> the private network I have at work.
> The setup is as follows:
> <Home> - <Firewall> <Cable> - <Internet> - <ADSL> -
> <Win2K> -
> <Workstation> - <Work>.

Faced with almost exactly the same situation a couple
of years ago, I used vtun (http://vtun.sf.net/). The
home machine was the server and the work machine was
the client. The client was configured to retry
creating the connection once a minute to a dynamic DNS
address, so if any one of the two machines (home/work)
is rebooted, the connection is soon restored.

It works by sending IP over UDP, so it traverses a NAT
firewall that doesn't regulate egress connections. It
creates a virtual subnet (e.g. and between the two machines, so as long as
it is up, you can ssh from any machine to the other

The most convoluted demo of this technology was
showing a VNC client running on my work machine,
connected to a server on the Windows that was running
in VMWare on my home Linux computer. :-)


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