On Sep 25,  8:38, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
} Subject: OT: prices of bandwidth [was: Re: Actcom without a dailer costs m
> Just a comment on a topic raised. Not specific to Actcom.
> [...]
> >   So sometimes we cannot give a large enough discount off our official
> > prices (as published in our web site or agreed with the user) to
> > users which have high traffic.  Instead, we prefer to give as bigger
> > as possible discounts to the absolute majority of the users who have
> > relatively small traffic.
> However not all traffic costs the same to the ISP. I figure that
> international traffic is the most expensive, Israeli traffic is less
> expensive, and internal (ISP-internal) traffic is the least expensive.

  You are of course right.

> Thus an actcom user downloading a bunch of ISOs from Hamakor/Iglu's
> mirrors is less expensive than an actcom user downloading the same files
> from a remote mirror. Ditto a p2p user downloading files from an Israeli
> user rather than from somewher in the US.

  In our internal calculation of the price of 1GB traffic we take
into consideration the average mix of traffic.  We use a lower price
than reality in order to compensate for users who have more Israeli and
local traffic than international traffic.  But of course this calculation
over-estimates the price by much for user who mainly have Israeli and
local downloads, and we don't have a solution for that for now (but
see below).

> Is there an easy way to meassure "local traffic only"? How do you handle
> proxied traffic such as SMTP?

  Currently we don't have a way to break down per-user traffic into
international, Israeli and local traffic volumes.  We started to work on
a project in this regard, to break down the traffic to its components
in nearly real time (so the users will be able to track their traffic

  Regarding proxied traffic, HTTP proxied traffic is regretfully totally
negligible after we removed the transparent proxy (much time ago).
SMTP traffic through our mail servers is big, but comparing to the whole
traffic is negligible too.


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