On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 04:31:02PM +0200, Danny Lieberman wrote:

> Let's say (for the sake of argument, we do it the io-accounting way
> - i.e. count cache io) - the numbers will be skewed, but they will
> be skewed for everyone.
> I would settle for a io stats per process (similar to sar, perhaps)
> for a sampling period (to be defined): current, moving average,
> maximum, minimum.,
> For chrissake - my road bike speedometer can do that - surely we can
> figure out a way to do it in Linux ;-)

With the caeats Gilad mentioned and considering the fact that you're
running an ancient kernel, strace likely offenders and count number of
IO related syscalls.

Where do I send the bill?


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