On Wed, Jan 24, 2007, Shahar Dag wrote about "version control & wiki":
>   1.. Can you recommend a good implementation of version control & wiki (we 
> would like to use free software)

I am not aware of a version control + wiki combination (but maybe someone can
correct me?), so you will have to choose each one separately.

For version control, I would recommend Subversion. It is very similar in
its basic philosophy to CVS, but it's simply better in many ways (I'm
sure that Google can return heaps of comparisons of Subversion to every
other version control system under the sun).

For Wiki, I don't have any experiance of actually *installing* such a system,
but from a user's perspective, I'd recommend MediaWiki, because it has the
most familar syntax (at least to the hundreds of thousands of people which
contribute to Wikipedia).

Nadav Har'El                        |    Wednesday, Jan 24 2007, 5 Shevat 5767
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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