On Sun, 25 Mar 2007, Tzahi Fadida wrote:

Mailing list members are members because they signed in and were
confirmed. There is no need for furhter id. That's the way it works all
over the world.

You yourself pointed out in an earlier emails some insights about x86 work all
over the world, that doesn't make it the right way :).
Anyway, your header can be hijacked by anyone and they can impersonate you,
this is SOP for spammers. You have to make more effort into proving who you
are in order for the list to trust you more, thus, i suggested to add some
kind of signature to improve.

The way these things work is, 'don't fix it if it ain't broken'. While there is a way to abuse the list, it is unlikely to be used. Other lists with larger circulation are better targets for spam and the process is still not (or very seldomly) used. Thus using it 'preventively' is in the same class as requiring biometric authentication for an entire country's adult population to allow use of the internet, so as to prevent a potential teenager from potentially accessing a potentially damaging website once or twice (usually it's disgusting enough the first time).


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