Hi List.

I heard (but haven't actually seen) that in MS-Windows the system keeps
track of some notion of "working set", which is supposedly (if I
understand correctly) the total size of pages that an application
referenced recently - whether these are currently resident or swapped
out (see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684891.aspx which is
an MSDN article I found on the subject).

The way I understand processes normally work (in Linux anyway) is that
as long as there is enough memory available the memory manager keeps all
pages that an application constantly references in physical RAM, and
pages that are not references are swapped out after a while. A good
example of such is a long running Java virtual machine process (at least
the Sun implementation anyway) that doesn't return unused memory to the
operating system letting it being swapped out until its needed again -
so I have some jvm process which takes up some 1.5GB of virtual but less
then 150MB resident: it was processing a lot of data some time in the
past but now its idling.

Now (again - according to my understanding) under contention - i.e. when
processes need to use more physical memory then what is available - the
memory manager keeps swapping stuff in and out of memory in an attempt
to satisfy all requests. Under such conditions its might be useful to
know - for each process - the amount of physical memory in use, the
amount of virtual mapped to the process, but also how much of that
virtual memory the process actually tries to use but can't get it all in
physical RAM because other processes are also hogging the memory. Does
such a thing exist in Linux?

Thanks in advance


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