log2vis is NOT a good approximation of vis2log for "impossible" visual 
strings like "CBA 123 xyz" (where "CBA" represents Hebrew letters).

Shalom (Regards),  Mati
           Bidi Architect
           Globalization Center Of Competency - Bidirectional Scripts
           IBM Israel
           Phone: +972 2 5888802    Fax: +972 2 5870333    Mobile: +972 52 

Yedidyah Bar-David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
20/01/2008 17:21

Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, linux-il <linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
Re: OT: Translate Gibberish to Hebrew

On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 04:45:40PM +0200, Oren Held wrote:
> On Sunday 20 January 2008 16:15, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > > Sorry, I didn't realise it's a web thingie (I thought it's a Linux 
> > > Very nice. I'll try to read better next time :)
> >
> > Actually, Oren, I did not realize that there are Linux tools that do
> > the same thing. Had I know, I might not have written the site!
> > Seriously, though, thanks for the info and I will mention those tools
> > in an upcoming page about alternative solutions.
> What you did is "visual to logical". A quick search shows that fribidi 
> do it. It seems to have fribidi_log2vis() function but not 
> fribidi_vis2log() .

Indeed, but on most cases, log2vis is a quite-good approximation to
vis2log. IIRC I once used this fact for some real, simple, dataset,
and the results were just fine. Do note that vis2log is not a function,
in the mathematical sense - there are cases of two different "logical"
strings that log2vis maps to the same "visual" string. So a potential
vis2log would have to either make a guess or return all possible
results, or some other such kludge. In reality, if you kept important
data in visual form, you might have a problem, and need to manually fix
things, after running some approximation (such as log2vis).

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