Hi List.

My favorite console text editor is mcedit - I don't subscribe to the
vi/emacs debate. But occasionally I need to edit rather large files, and
mcedit borks at a few megabytes. When this happens I turn to vi (only
because its always available while emacs is a non-default installation
option - I really don't do the whole vi vs. emacs thing) and at several
dozens of megabytes when vi becomes problematic I find that nano
sometimes deliver.

But now I'm looking into text files several gigabytes in size, and every
attempt to open such files in any of the aforementioned options always
ends in me having to kill the process after it brings my (not state of
the art but still rather capable) computer to its knees.

Does such a beast indeed exists ? A text editor that can handle several
gigabytes worth of text (hopefully by not trying to load everything into
main memory) ? A console based editor would be preferable, but I don't
mind X. it doesn't have to be pretty or support funky text handling
commands - it just needs to work.




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