On 29/02/2008, Hetz Ben Hamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I know that several people who I talked to and are subscribed to this
>  list are really excited about Asus EEE and want to buy it.
>  As you may know, Bezeq went out with a campaign that if you upgrade
>  your ADSL to 4MBit, you can buy from them exclusivly the EEE for 39.90
>  a month (for 36 months). For more details, see [1] (it requires IE).
>  The model that Bezeq sell if the Surf model (you can see comparison of
>  models here [2]) which is problematic if you want more then 512MB RAM
>  since the cover is closed and you have to open tons of screws in order
>  to replace the SO-DIMM. It also doesn't have a webcam.
>  I have talked to NirLight (which is the official representative of
>  Asus in Israel) and they told me the following stuff:
>  * You will be able to buy EEE from them starting March 30th
>  * As much as I understood, There will be a Windows (HOME) version as
>  well as the Linux version
>  * They haven't determent the final prices yet.
>  * 4GB and 8GB models will be available in black and white colors.
>  * You can call Ronlight and register and you'll receive a notice when
>  they'll start selling this machine officially
>  If you want to read my review about EEE you can read it here [3]. I
>  personally think that every sysadmin who respect himself should get
>  one of these mini-laptops. The damn thing is 920 GRAMS including
>  battery, and it WAY more comfortable then lugging around a full
>  notebook or worse - using blackbarry/Nokia E90/E61/E62 to ssh to
>  servers.
>  Thanks,
>  Hetz
>  [1] - 
> http://www.bezeq.co.il//Cultures/he-IL/Bezeq/Sales/minilaptop/minilaptop.html
>  [2] - http://wiki.eeeuser.com/eee_pc_701#models
>  [3] - http://witch.dyndns.org/wp/?p=284

What's IE-only about the bezeq site? Once I enabled Flash, it
displayed fine. Thanks for the info.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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