2008/6/8 Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Fri, Jun 06, 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote about "Re: Anti-RTL mindset is 
> similar to anti-accessibility mindset":
>> You try running two toolkits at once on a 400 mHz processor with 128MB RAM, 
>> tell me how well it runs, then we'll discuss the option.
> When I first used X-Windows, the computer I used it on (a Sun machine) had
> a weaker CPU and less memory than what you describe. I don't remember having
> any problems running at the same time software using multiple "toolkits", like
> Xlib (e.g., xterm), Xaw (which was once popular), Openlook (well, it was a
> Sun), Tcl/Tk (this used to be my favorite), Motif, and even GTK (which 
> appeared
> with Gimp circa 1995).
> The fact that software is bloated and sucks isn't a fact of nature and wasn't
> even always true. It can, and should be, fixed. There is absolutely no reason
> why a toolkit like GTK should bloat the software that uses it. If OpenMoku
> can't use GTK because it's too bloated - then please place blame where blame
> is due, i.e., on GTK, not on OpenMoku.
> (Sorry for being harsh, and you can always refer to my signature below :-).

Although I agree that GTK may be bloated, the fact that the current
development model of the OpenMoko phone _requires_ one to use two
toolkits is the rootof my complaint.  I am referring to the model of
using a dev's pet toolkit instead of the superior GTK / Qt toolkit. I
call GTK / Qt superior because they support the funcionality that many
people need, such as RTL in our specific case. ETK _may_ be a good
toolkit, but the dev who mothers it does not say why ETK is a better
choice than GTK or Qt, so there is no way to argue _for_ ETK. I would
love to know what is so great about ETK, really, I would.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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