On 2008-07-24, Noam Rathaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone here tried to get the Bezeq Internation, Barak or Netvision to get
> them off the blacklisting found here:
> http://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php
> Apparently all the Israeli ISP are blacklisted here (any host you put there in
> their hosting range) - and all because they don't have a policy of cleaning
> up their network from spammers.
> This means we are all losing emails we send because our ISPs are doing a bad
> job.

The solution is to have Bezeq, Netvision, and the other Israeli ISPs
to behave responsibly. I agree with blacklisting them until they clean
up their act.

That said, this is the reason that I do not trust _any_ ISP with my email.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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