2008/7/25 Imri Zvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Why do you think any system was hacked?
> It seems you do not understand how it works - they don't hack into any ISP 
> managed system. They don't need to. They either:
> 1. phish the username and password.
> 2. get it from *your* computer using a trojan.
> 3. try and guess easy passwords/usernames.
> 4. actually *buy* an account, pretending to be your average Moshe from Hulon 
> customer.
> Spammers from abroad will mostly use methods 1 to 3.

A very friendly and knowledgeable Frenchman from the Debian list just
emailed me about an Israeli spammer that is sending him megabytes of
spam everyday- in Hebrew! It appears that this is a case of (4) from
your list. How do I determine the ISP from spam email headers? I'd
like to call the ISP and complain with a voice, not an email.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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