2012/2/5 Mordechai Behar <mordecha.be...@mail.huji.ac.il>:
> Those are just developer tools, and even then, only a few institutions in
> Israel are accepted as viable places of study that will allow a student to
> download the software.
> A better system is the MSDAA (Microsoft Developers Academic Alliance) which
> allows a student who is registered for specific courses in specific
> institutions to download and use nearly every Microsoft application,
> including the actual operating system and office suite. However, to the best
> of my knowledge this is only available to compsci and computer engineering
> students at Hebrew University.

In mechanical engineering at the Technion we had access to MSDAA, but
Office was not included. Everything else, including Windows 7, was.

> The Teacher's Union allows a member to purchase heavily discounted software,
> I think MS Office 2010 goes for 100 NIS.

I cannot find details about this. If you can, I would love to know. My
wife is a therapist and gets some Department of Education benefits,
such as a reduced interest loan at Mosad.

> I think that the length and speed of growth of this thread points to just
> how frustrated we all are at the current situation. So why don't we change
> it? We happen to have Hamakor, a registered nonprofit organization to
> promote the use of free and open source software in Israel. So why not start
> some kind of campaign? A public message? People are still riled up about the
> social protests of the past summer, we could ride that wave.

I've been active for years, writing to websites and other entities.
Instead of organising, we are better off being disparate in my
opinion. If Ofek receives a letter per week requesting Firefox
support, that is more convincing than a letter from some unknown
organisation complaining about freedom.

Dotan Cohen


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