tl;dr: the 2020 incarnation of Debconf (Debian's annual developers
conference) will be held in Haifa.  This is the second-next Debconf,
following one scheduled for July 2019 in Brazil.

Congratulations to the bid team :-)


Daniel Lange wrote on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:02 +00:00:
> Hash: SHA256
> Dear DebConf members,
> Dear friends of the conference,
> We have had two strong final bids for hosting DebConf20:
> Haifa, Israel and Lisbon, Portugal.
> Within the DebConf committee and the wider DebConf team there have
> been extensive discussions about Israel as a hosting country and we
> acknowledge that there will be some members of Debian that prefer to
> not travel to Israel for political reasons.
> Still the Committee felt the upsides of the bid were significant and
> edged well over the Portuguese bid. But it was a close call. The five
> member DebConf committee had a two hour final decision meeting and a
> 3:2 vote in favor of Israel.
> So, congratulations, to the Israeli bid team:
> Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to host the Debian
> Developer Conference 2020 in Haifa!
> To make life a bit easier for the many Debian members in Europe, and
> those restricted in travel, we would like to have DebConf21 in Europe
> again. The DebConf Committee therefore kindly asks the Portuguese team
> to carry over their bid to 2021. As the location and attendee volume
> are expected to be very challenging, we encourage long-term DebConf
> team members to join their team, for 2021, to ensure it succeeds. We
> hope the Brazilian team, once it has recovered from their DebConf, can
> and will offer support to their language-siblings in Portugal.
> We look forward to seeing you all in Curitiba, 21 July – 28 July 2019,
> for DebConf19.
> Registrations are open at .
> And, a year later, to seeing you in Haifa, Israel.
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> for the DebConf committee

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