Hello Josh.
I'll try to answer the question that you not really asked.

The problem with lightweight editors (best ones are variants of Vim or
Emacs) that making them work "good" for Java coding is a very non-trivial
Especially if you want any debugging, code navigation and/or snippets.
(Also if anybody can point me to a good configuration example for
Java/Scala in Vim or Emacs I'll be eternally grateful.)

C/C++ is easier in this case.
Still, making ctags(or equivalent) and GDB to work under Vim or Emacs is
not the 5 minutes task.
And one will need to integrate some kind of build system make, cmake, etc...
Whoever is going to do this will need to know exactly what he wants, and
this is not expected from the first year student.

And also I assume that you'd prefer a solution that "Just works (TM)".

Then your choices are limited to full-fledged IDEs, and those are not in
any way lightweight.
>From my point of view, Netbeans is just a little bit lighter than Eclipse
on resources, but this is just a matter of personal taste.

Best regards Evgeniy.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 10:53 AM Josh Roden <joshro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Happy Purim!
> We're looking for a Linux editor for first year CS students
> that is light on resources.
> Thanks,
> Josh
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