On Sunday, 31 March 2019 14:13:17 IDT Constantine Shulyupin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there an utility (preferable on python) for importing and analyzing
> Israel banks statements in formats Bankin.dat, csv, xls/xml ?
> Thanks

You need to be more specfic : 

There is the clearing house protocol (inner bank) that is used for automated 
bank transfers, but it is Bank specific format for the enum values 

There is the  MASAV data ( https://www.boi.org.il/en/PaymentSystem/
ActiveClearingHousesInIsrael/Pages/ClearingHouse.aspx ). 

There is customer level output (bank specific) which include CSV (example 
baruch.ev-en.org/proj/gnucash.html ) 

There is the  QIF format and friends

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