On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 10:49 PM Dimid Duchovny <dim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to buy a desktop computer with Linux pre-installed for a couple 
> of senior citizens. I'd usually buy a generic PC and install myself, but now 
> due to the coronavirus that's not an option.
> The main uses are web browsing and skype/zoom. Looking for a stable distro 
> and long term support (e.g. the latest Ubuntu LTS). The hardware needs to 
> work out-of-the-box.
> Specification wish list:
> 512GB SSD
> 16GB RAM
> A high-quality case and PSU (preferably 80+ gold)
> Webcam
> The budget is around 2k shekels.
> Are there any Israeli retailers that sell such configurations?

FWIW: Around two months ago, when it was clear that with the corona
situation I'll need another laptop, for my kids' home-schooling, I
went to the nearby KSP store, asked what they can offer (without even
searching their site), and bought something that I can't find on their
site anymore, but similar ones are:


This link to a search result gives you all their Dell laptops with
Linux on them, cheapest first, which is currently ~ 2500 NIS. Mine was
~ 2300 NIS and has 256GB SSD (vs 512 for cheapest now).

It arrived with Ubuntu 18.04, everything worked out of the box. My
kids generally like it, and I too (but hardly ever use it, other than
for helping them), definitely for this price.

Cheapest there with 16GB RAM (which is what you wanted) is ~ 4000,
quite a lot higher, but perhaps you can add RAM to one of the others,
no idea.

 Of course, if you buy a brand name, you can get it in any other
store, and are quite likely to get exactly the same thing, as opposed
to someone building it for you from parts.

Best regards,

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