On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 11:31:53PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Now, can someone suggest a patch I can revert that might fix this?  The 
> total number of patches between 2.6.20 and 2.6.21-rc1 will have me 
> building kernels to bisect this till the middle of June at this rate.

4 billion patches could be bisected in 34 boots. Between 2.6.20 and
2.6.21-rc1 there are only:

$ git rev-list --no-merges v2.6.20..v2.6.21-rc1  |wc -l

patches, requiring 14 boots. In general ceil(log(n)/log(2))+2 boots.

Of course, this is a little optimistic because it assumes no additional
breakage occurring at the various bisection points. In any event,
assuming (pessimistically) 10 minutes per build, this is 280 minutes or
4 hours and 40 minutes of build time. I estimate the process should
complete well before Friday of this week, never mind June.

-- wli
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