Hi Keith

Thanks for your kindly reminding.

On 01/19/2018 02:05 PM, Keith Busch wrote:
>>> The driver may be giving up on the command here, but that doesn't mean
>>> the controller has. We can't just end the request like this because that
>>> will release the memory the controller still owns. We must wait until
>>> after nvme_dev_disable clears bus master because we can't say for sure
>>> the controller isn't going to write to that address right after we end
>>> the request.
>> Yes, but the controller is going to be reseted or shutdown at the moment,
>> even if the controller accesses a bad address and goes wrong, everything will
>> be ok after reset or shutdown. :)
> Hm, I don't follow. DMA access after free is never okay.
Yes, this may cause unexpected memory corruption.


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