On 28/02/18 17:53, Mark Rutland wrote:
It is not about to "check" the DT but if Linux could get access to the
hardware.  Hardware block assignment to secure or non-secure world
could change at runtime for example I2C block could be manage by
secure OS for a trusted application and when it have finish "release"
the it for Linux.

The driver does not do this today. It probe the HW once during early
boot, then aborts driver probes. It provides no provision for dynamic

Is this something you plan to implement? How will the secure world
notify the non-secure world of its intent to manage a device, or

Note that this is another thing which in general already happens - control of (and correspondingly, hardware access to) things like display engines and video decoders can get transferred between Linux (well, Android at least) and a trusted OS. You need communication and cooperation between the two sides via channels like tee-supplicant to make it usable, though, at which point the fact that this ETZPC provides non-secure-visible status unlike other TZASCs is rather superfluous - if the secure side could just blindly take ownership of the I2C block in response to some event, while the Linux I2C driver is in the middle of its own transfer, a status bit in a register somewhere else isn't going to be much help overall.

I don't think that could be done by changing DT.

I think that dhecking hardware blocks status bits before probe them is
also more robust than let
each driver discover at probe time that it hardware isn't responding.

I don't follow. Robin and I suggest that gets encoded in the DT, which
is *more* efficient than having each driver probe the DT, begin probing,
then abort via the notifier.

This really seems like something that should be done *prior* to entering

Indeed; the DT by nature describes the initial state of the system at the point that Linux takes control, and thus it really *should* reflect whatever the current ETZPC configuration is. Note what DTSpec actually says:


    Indicates that the device is not presently operational, but it might
    become operational in the future (for example, something is not
    plugged in, or switched off).

    Refer to the device binding for details on what disabled means for a
    given device.

The fact that the current behaviour of our OF platform code doesn't really respect that last point and makes it tricky to bring initially-unavailable devices to life later is a separate issue.


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