Hi Keith

Thanks for your kindly directive and precious time for this.

On 03/01/2018 11:15 PM, Keith Busch wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2018 at 06:05:53PM +0800, jianchao.wang wrote:
>> When the adminq is free, ioq0 irq completion path has to invoke nvme_irq 
>> twice, one for itself,
>> one for adminq completion irq action.
> Let's be a little more careful on the terminology when referring to spec
> defined features: there is no such thing as "ioq0". The IO queues start
> at 1. The admin queue is the '0' index queue.

Yes, indeed, sorry for my bad description.

>> We are trying to save every cpu cycle across the nvme host path, why we 
>> waste nvme_irq cycles here.
>> If we have enough vectors, we could allocate another irq vector for adminq 
>> to avoid this.
> Please understand the _overwhelming_ majority of time spent for IRQ
> handling is the context switches. There's a reason you're not able to
> measure a perf difference between IOQ1 and IOQ2: the number of CPU cycles
> to chain a second action is negligible.

Yes, indeed


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