On Wed, Nov 07, 2018 at 12:01:54PM -0800, David Miller wrote:
> From: Jiri Olsa <jo...@redhat.com>
> Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 20:43:44 +0100
> > I pushed new version in my perf/fixes branch
> Thanks, I'll check it out later today for sure!  This is pretty exciting
> work.
> Just some random thoughts as I've been thinking about this whole
> situation a lot lately:
> Something to consider might be consolidating all of the event rings
> into one.  This would force perf to process all events in "system
> order", ie. what order they actually occurred in the machine.
> Yes, this means more contention for the entities inside the kernel
> queueing up the events, however the benefits are enormous.

yes, perf's ring buffer is real fast because it's per-cpu

> Right now we go forwards and backwards in time as we move from one
> event ring to another, as you know.
> However, we have to reconcile with the need we have to separate "high
> priority" (ie. cannot really lose) events like fork, mmap2, etc.  with
> "low priority" ones such as IP samples.
> Perhaps another way to think about this is to go to the one huge mmap
> ring model, and do the prioritization internally in perf.
> Actually, this opens up tons of possibilities in my mind.
> Perf can queue to an internal high priority queue for fork and mmap2
> events, and never drop them.  Whilst at the same time queueing low
> priority events like IP samples into a low priority queue and dropping
> with whatever policy it wants when overloaded (f.e. drop older events
> before newer ones).

I think I can see the processing thread overloaded with data in tests,
I'll add some counters for it some we can see how much behind it gets

we could separated fork/mmaps to separate dummy event map, or just
parse them out in the read thread and create special queue for them
and drop just samples in case we are behind


> I do not like the overwrite ring buffer mode that was implemented
> because it enforeces an entire set of policy decisions upon the user.
> Either the model works for you (which it currently does not for perf)
> or you can't use it at all.
> If the issue is that newer events are more interesting than old ones,
> that is entirely perf's businness.  And it can implement this policy
> %100 internally to itself.  No kernel changes were ever needed to do
> this, as explained above.
> Please, let's abandon this whole overwrite mode of the ring buffer.
> The old one works perfectly fine, we just have to use it properly.
> We should never have to shut off kernel side event queueing just
> because we are processing the event ring on the user side.
> Thanks.

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