On (21/01/13 15:48), John Ogness wrote:
> Counting text lines in a record simply involves counting the number
> of newline characters (+1). However, it is searching the full data
> block for newline characters, even though the text data can be (and
> often is) a subset of that area. Since the extra area in the data
> block was never initialized, the result is that extra newlines may
> be seen and counted.
> Restrict newline searching to the text data length.
> Fixes: b6cf8b3f3312 ("printk: add lockless ringbuffer")
> Signed-off-by: John Ogness <john.ogn...@linutronix.de>

Acked-by: Sergey Senozhatsky <sergey.senozhat...@gmail.com>


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