On 12-04-21, 15:01, Taniya Das wrote:
> Technically the HW we are trying to program here differs in terms of
> clocking, the LUT definitions and many more. It will definitely make
> debugging much more troublesome if we try to accomodate multiple versions of
> CPUFREQ-HW in the same code.
> Thus to keep it simple, easy to read, debug, the suggestion is to keep it
> with "v1" tag as the OSM version we are trying to put here is from OSM1.0.

That is a valid point and is always a case with so many drivers. What
I am concerned about is how much code is common across versions, if it
is 5-70%, or more, then we should definitely share, arrange to have
callbacks or ops per version and call them in a generic fashion instead
of writing a new driver. This is what's done across
drivers/frameworks, etc.


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