On Tue, 2017-05-23 at 06:19 -0700, Dupuis, Chad wrote:
> +             snprintf(fc_host_serial_number(lport->host),
> +                 FC_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE,
> +                 "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
> +                 buf[7], buf[6], buf[5], buf[4],
> +                 buf[3], buf[2], buf[1], buf[0]);
> +     } else
> +             snprintf(fc_host_serial_number(lport->host),
> +                 FC_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE, "Unknown");
> +
> +     snprintf(fc_host_manufacturer(lport->host),
> +         FC_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE, "%s", "Cavium Inc.");

Hello Chad,

I think this code would be a lot easier to read and to verify if it would be
modified as follows:
* Instead of using the fc_host_<field>() macros, assign 
  to a variable and change fc_host_<field>() into ...-><field>.
* Instead of using the FC_*_SIZE macros, use sizeof(...-><field>).



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