W dniu 18.02.2014 14:15, Arturo Veras pisze:
hi all
In my PC have the kernel linux usb gadget support enabled but when i

Why do you have usb gadget support in a PC in the first place?
What are you trying to achieve? What you could achieve is for
example to make your PC act as a mass storage device which can
be connected to some PC host via USB.

try to load the module:

sudo modprobe g_ether
FATAL: Error inserting g_ether
(/lib/modules/3.13.2/kernel/drivers/usb/gadget/g_ether.ko): No such

Does your system have a USB device controller (UDC or OTG chip)?
If not, the above is exactly what you should get.

maybe my usb is not supported by the driver. I don't know.
i have a NM10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller

UHCI is a host controller, not a device controller.
You need a UDC/OTG chip in your system.

If you don't have the required hardware, you can use
the dummy_hcd driver, which combines a host and a device
controllers emulated in software. But this is meant
for playing with USB gadgets development; the dummy hcd
is connected (in software) to the dummy udc so taking the example of
mass storage you can make your PC act as a mass storage
device connected to the very same PC acting both as a
host and a device.


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  • gadget support Arturo Veras
    • Re: gadget support Andrzej Pietrasiewicz

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