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What is the meaning of dirty_expire_centisecs ?

The most authentic-looking info I have found is in

This tunable is used to define when dirty data is old enough to be eligible
for writeout by the kernel flusher threads.  It is expressed in 100'ths
of a second.  Data which has been dirty in-memory for longer than this
interval will be written out next time a flusher thread wakes up.

That can be read in two different ways:

- persistence is "guaranteed" (modulo system load, disk spinned down
etc) to happen in dirty_expire_centisecs + dirty_writeback_centisecs

- the other reading is that if a page wasn't updated in
dirty_expire_centisecs, it'll be persisted at most
dirty_writeback_centisecs after that, but if it is being written
regularly, no persistence ever happens (at least not by the flusher thread)

I'd think the latter is the correct reading: this is a performance
tuning optimization for the filesystem cache - the OS doesn't want to
generate unnecessary I/O by persisting pages that keep changing, but it
can be beneficial not to hold back all writes creating a bottleneck for
later, so pages that no longer seem to be written get persisted in the

Did try to find the corresponding code with no luck, a pointer would be


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